

報名手續 Application Procedure

A. 入學申請資料 Admission application materials

(1) 本校設有各級上午班及全日班,歡迎於本校辦公時間內,致電或親臨本校查詢。

(2) 辦公時間

  • 星期一至五 : 上午九時至下午四時三十分
  • 星期六 : 上午九時三十分至中午十二時三十分 

(3) 請帶備以下文件

  1. 入學申請表格
  2. 兒童出生證明文件副本
  3. 兒童針咭正面及背面副本
  4. 兒童近照兩張
  5. 回郵信封三個(寫上通訊地址及貼上$2.2郵票)
  6. 報名費港幣$40 (不論申請成功與否,報名費概不退回)

(4) 2024-2025 年度學費

  • 半日班的全年學費為全免
  • 全日班的全年學費如下:

(1) We offer morning class and whole-day class for each grade. You are welcomed to call us or visit us in person during office hours for application information.

(2) Office Hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

(3) Please bring along the following documents:

  1. The application form
  2. A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate
  3. A copy of the applicant’s immunization record(Both page)
  4. Two recent photos of the applicant
  5. Three self-addressed HKD$2.2 stamped envelopes
  6. Registration fee HKD$40(This fee paid is non-refundable)

(4) 2024-2025 Tuition Fee:

  • Full annual fee remission for half-day class.
  • Annual tuition fee for whole-day class

(5) 詳情

  1. 請於上述辦公時間內親臨本校或網上下載索取表格和遞交申請。
  2. 本校將另函通知約見日期。

(5) Details:

  1. The application form can be downloaded from our website or obtained from our school in person.
  2. You will be notified about the interview date by letter.

B. 校本收生機制 Mechanism of Admission

(1) 申請入讀2025-2026年度新生面見日: 2024年11月3日(星期日

      備註 :如家長收到約見時間後,於約見當天預早5分鐘前到校,活動期間可由一位家長陪同子女。

(2) 取錄結果:2024年12月15日前以家長回郵信封寄出結果。

(3) 備註  

  • 全部申請者皆會獲得面見機會。
  • 本園將於面見日期前以書面通知家長有關詳情。
  • 全日班優先考慮有需要家庭的相關條件。
  • 全年接受申請

(4) 收生準則:

  1. 按面試當日的整體表現
  2. 現就讀本園及畢業生之弟妹,將優先考慮。
  3. 父/母為本會之教友
  4. 父/母在本園或辦學團體之機構工作
  5. 家長認同本園的教育理念及學習方式

(5) 面試安排 :


(6) 非華語幼兒面試安排 :

     學校接納非華語家長和兒童由懂中文的親友陪同會面,協助溝通。如家長需要傳譯/翻譯服務,請致電本校2178 4037,或電郵到:[email protected] 與張主任聯絡,以提供協助。

(1)Interview Day for applying Year 2025-2026 New Students: 3rd November, 2024(Sunday)
Notes: Please arrive 5 minutes earlier than the scheduled starting time for the interview. The applicant can be accompanied by one parent during the interview.  

(2) Admission results: The results will be sent through the stamped self-addressed envelope before 15th December, 2024.  

(3) Remarks:

  • All applicants will be given the opportunity to have interviews.
  • We will notify parents in letter before the date of interview.
  • For whole-day classes, priority will be given to the families in need. 
  • Applications allowed year-round.

(4) Criteria:

  • Based on the overall performance on the day of the interview.
  • Priority will be given to siblings who are currently studying in the school and graduates.
  • The father/mother is a member of the church
  • The father/mother works in the school or the organization of the school
  • Parents agree with the educational philosophy and learning methods of the school

(5) Interview Arrangements :

A parent is invited face-to-face with the child for an interview.

(6) NCS Interview Arrangements :

Non-Chinese Speaking Parents and children are most welcome to bring relatives or friends who can understand Cantonese for the interview. If interpretation /translation service is required, please contact us 2178 4037 or e-mail to [email protected].

C. 註冊安排 Registration Arrangements

(1) 註冊:獲取錄之學童於2025年1月2日至4日「統一註冊日」請提交2025/2026年度取錄信、2025/2026入學註冊證及註冊費(上午班註冊費用港幣970元/全日班註冊費用港幣1570元)。


(2) 正選生:家長須於2025年1月2日至4日(「統一註冊日期」)內的指定時間到本園辦理註冊手續,並須提交「2025/26註冊證/入學許可書」正本及繳交註冊費(上午班註冊費用港幣970元/全日班註冊費用港幣1570元)。

(3) 備取生:註冊日後,如有空缺學額,本園會以電話發出通知,請家長於指定日期到本園辦理註冊手續,並須提交「2025/26註冊證/入學許可書」正本及繳交註冊費(上午班註冊費用港幣970元/全日班註冊費用港幣1570元)。

(4) 若家長於註冊後決定為子女轉校,請以書面通知本園。本園會儘快退回相關註冊證/入學許可書,但註冊費將不獲退還。在取回註冊文件後,本園亦不再為該幼兒保留學位。

**家長申請幼稚園入學註冊證可於教育局網頁 www.edb.gov.hk/K1-admission_tc下載表格或親臨幼稚園索取申請表格。

如有任何疑問,可致電2178 4037與本校聯絡。

(1) Registration: Successful candidates should submit the education voucher and the enrollment deposits from 2nd to 4th of January 2025 (Centralized Registration Dates). 

(2) Parents must complete the registration procedures from 2nd to 4th January 2023, and submit the original of the “2023/24 Registration Certificate/Enrollment Permit” and pay the registration fee (Registration fee for morning class is HK$970 / Registration fee for whole-day class is HK$1570).

(3) If there are vacancies after registration date, we will call the candidates on waiting list by phone. Parents are requested to complete the registration procedures on the specified date and submit the original “2025/26 Registration Certificate/Admission Permit” and pay the registration fee (Registration fee for morning class is HK$970 / Registration fee for whole-day class is HK$1570).

(4) If parents decide to transfer to other school after registration, please notify the school in letter. We will return the relevant registration certificate/admission permit as soon as possible, however the registration fee will not be refunded. After the registration documents are once returned, the school will no longer reserve a place for the child.

**The application form for the “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” can be obtained from our school in person, or can be downloaded from the Education Bureau website, www.edb.gov.hk/K1-admission_en

Should you have any enquiries, please contact on 2178 4037.

收生安排 Classes

學校代辦費 Fee in 2023-2024(K1-K3)
